Volunteer Fire Department

Fire Chief: Kirt Sickels

The West Liberty Volunteer Fire Department is committed to the prevention and protection of life, property, and the environment from adverse effects of fire, medical, and hazardous conditions. It has a long history of volunteerism is the community, and serves West Liberty, rural West Liberty and the greater West Liberty area, including our neighboring communities.

Fire and EMS meetings for the department are held on the 2nd and 4th Tuesday’s of each month. Board meetings are held Quarterly.

If you are having an Emergency, dial 911.

Kirt Sickels, Fire Chief
Location: 109 E. Second St.
Phone (EMGERGENCY): 911
Phone (Non-Emergency): 319-627-2303
Email: fire@CityOfWestLibertyIA.org

Ambulance Board

  • Eric Christensen
  • Tom Christensen
  • Dana Dominguez
  • Mark Madsen
  • Kirt Sickels
  • Austin Maas
  • Omar Martinez
  • Tamara Wigim

Find the West Liberty Volunteer Fire Department on Facebook