The City of West Liberty operates and maintains Oak Ridge Cemetery, located at 310 S. Calhoun St., south of the Muscatine County Fairgrounds. The cemetery consists of traditional gravesites as well as four columbariums.
To discuss pricing options, find a burial location, look up information on family members, or have general questions about Oak Ridge Cemetery, please contact the city ahead of time to set up an appointment using the following email address:
Standard Lots
A person purchasing a lot shall receive a deed for the lot from the City upon payment of the purchase price.
-Single Lot: $550
(One Human Internment)
– One Lot with Two Cremations: $600
(Two Cremation Interments)
All graves will be dug by contractors hired by the funeral coordinator.
Each niche is 11.5×11.5 inches to accompany urns 10-11 inches in height. Two urns are allowed in one niche, so long as both can fit in the space.
-Columbarium Niche: $850
(One to Two Cremation Internments)
This includes an engraved cover plate. In order to design a cover plate, contact Deputy City Clerk Shari Hoffert at for details.