October 12, 2022
October 10, 2022
-With the resignation of Mayor Katie McCullough at the last city council meeting, the council plans to fill the vacancy by appointment. The newly appointed mayor will hold the position until Dec. 31, 2023.
-The council addressed working conditions for city staff the last two years, which were described as harsh and negative. The City asks both community members and city staff to show respect to each other.
-The Fire and EMS Task Force Committee continues to progress forward in relation to the presented committee’s timeline at the 9/20/22 meeting.
-Mark your calendars, on Monday Oct. 17 Leaf Pick Up and Open Burning begins. Also, Oct. 17-Oct. 21 is Cemetery Clean Up, during which the city will remove any excess from all of the grave sites.
-The Trick or Treat Trail will be held on Halloween, Oct. 31, from 5-6 p.m. If businesses or individuals are interested in handing out candy on the trail, contact Nick Heath at nheath@cityofwestlibertyia.org.
-Veenstra and Kimm, City Engineers continue to work on Rainbow-Maxson Street Project, Wastewater Treatment Improvement Projects, and Well #2 Rehabilitation Project. Engineers will look to present more information on cost of project in the future.
-The Water Department has begun flushing hydrants this month, this is done to remove silt, rust, debris, or stagnant water from hydrants prolonging their life.
-The City Council approved a $25,000 payment to WLFE, INC owners Emily Geertz and Frank Wagner through the City’s economic development grant program for their development at 115 E. Third St.