May 18, 2022
Thanks to previous discussion the City Council decided to move forward by approving the following items to be released to the public during Regular City Council Meeting:
-The drafted 28E Agreement between City and The West Liberty Fire Board of Trustees
Previous discussion included a work session prior to the Regular City Council meeting to review the proposed MOU 28E Agreement from the West Liberty Fire and EMS Association on 04/18/22 and additional information from Chair Dana Dominguez of the Public Safety Committee.
The discussion included the proposed MOU 28E Agreement, Callahan Consulting Report, Draft 28 E Agreement dated 03-31-2022 and City of Baxter current 28 E Agreement for discussion.
The City Council asked City Staff to provide the documents to the West Liberty Fire Volunteer Members, allowing them an opportunity to review the information as a starting point of negotiations towards a mutual resolution.
The City Council is attempting to expedite a resolution prior to the threat of the Fire Department Volunteers resigning on June 3, 2022. However, meeting this demand is not permittable as the Callahan Municipal Report identifies concerning and non-compliance asks by the association in the proposed agreement.
The City Council is asking the West Liberty Fire Volunteer Members and Public to please read the report and draft 28E Agreement above and be open to the information in order to move towards negotiations for a resolution that encompasses a mutual agreement within the compliance to operate successfully for all.