Public Notice: Leaf Pickup and Open Burning

October 12, 2021


Fall Leaf Collection

The City of West Liberty begins its fall leaf pickup the week of Oct. 13 and will continue until Nov. 30, or the first snowfall of the season. The city is no longer collecting brush and yard waste for the remainder of 2021.

Please remember the following:

-Leaves should be placed at the curb, NOT in the street, for leaf machine pickup.

DO NOT mix yard waste with the leaves. Yard waste material plugs the tube to the leaf machine causing equipment breakdowns.

-Grass clippings may be put with the leaves.

-No scheduled days will be set – pickup will be done on a random basis as the weather permits and there are no equipment breakdowns. Leaf pickup will end on Nov. 30 or the first snowfall.

Open Burning

The City of West Liberty allows for open burning the last two weeks in October and first two weeks of November (Oct. 17-Nov. 13). The City would like to remind all residents of the following burning regulations:

Open burning may only be performed between the hours of 6 a.m. and 5:30 p.m. or sunrise sunset, whichever is applicable.

-Open burning shall be at least 20 feet away from any structure, excepting barbeque grills and other outdoor cooking appliances which may be used within 20 feet of a structure. Open burning shall be at least 5 feet away from the closest lot line of any property adjoining the property on which the item(s) is being burned.

-Open burning of the following materials is expressly prohibited at all times: Construction materials, garbage, furniture, tires, plastic, or any other recyclable materials or other refuse.

-Only leaves, clean brush, and garden residue may be burned during the open burning

OPEN BURNING; STREETS, CURBS, SIDEWALKS, ALLEYS. It shall be unlawful for any person to burn any materials on any streets, gutters, curbs, sidewalks, alleys, or other publicly owned property or right of way within the City of West Liberty.

If you have any questions, please contact City Hall at (319) 627-2418.

Official Notices

Official Notice for Open Burning (English)

Official Notice for Leaf Collection (English)

Official Notice for Open Burning (Spanish)

Official Notice for Leaf Collection (Spanish)