March 29, 2022
Open Burning will be allowed in the City of West Liberty from April 1-14, allowing residents to burn leaves, clean brush, and garden residue.
During open burning residents must obey the following regulations:
A. Open fires shall be constantly attended by an adult person until such fire is extinguished. This person shall have a hose connected to a water supply or other fire-extinguishing equipment readily available for use.
B. Open burning may only be performed between the hours of six o’clock (6:00) A.M. and five thirty o’clock (5:30) P.M. or sunset, whichever is earlier.
C. Open burning shall be at least twenty feet (20′) away from any structure, excepting barbeque grills and other outdoor cooking appliances which may be used within twenty feet (20′) of a structure. Open burning shall be at least five feet (5′) away from the closest lot line of any property adjoining the property on which the item(s) is being burned.
D. Open burning of the following materials is expressly prohibited at all times: construction materials, garbage, furniture, tires, plastic, or any other recyclable materials or other refuse.
E. Prairie maintenance (reestablishment and creation) and agricultural field maintenance shall be allowed. Fires of this type must be constantly attended by an adult person who shall have fire-extinguishing equipment readily available for use.
F. Only leaves, clean brush, and garden residue may be burned during the open burning.