September 12, 2022
September 12, 2022
-The City Council addressed the high cost of utility bills during its meeting on Sept. 6. Persistent hot weather, increased energy cost due to high demand from the grid, and the fuel used to generate power are responsible for the increased cost.
-The City encourages citizens to reach out if they have questions on their bill and is currently offering an extension to help customers pay for utility bills.
-There will be presentation by the Fire and EMS Task Force on Sept. 20, at 6:30 p.m. in the WL Community Center regarding progress made between the City, Rural Trustees and Fire and EMS Dept. The work session is open to the public.
-The City Council approved extending the current 28E agreement for the ambulance service through Dec. 31, 2022, in order to continue discussion between all parties involved.
-With the resignation of Jose Zacarias, the City Council is looking to appoint someone to fill out the remainder of his term.
-Construction continues on a new mini pitch in Wapsie Park, which will also include a basketball and volleyball court. The cement has been laid out with equipment coming from Musco Lighting.
-The Street Department continues tree trimming on Third and Fourth St., as well as removing problem trees. The Dept. will soon begin burning large piles of brush collected throughout the year.
-Ken Brooks and Samuel Morel have been appointed to the Public Library Board. They are joined by Larry Miller, Vanessa Espinoza, Shannon Schnieder, Maria Lugo, and Dick Brand.