August 22, 2022
-With the resignation of councilmember Jose Zacarias, the West Liberty City Council will replace the vacated seat through the appointment process over the next month.
-The City is in the planning stages of a $2.7 million overhaul of Maxson Ave./E. Rainbow Drive by the Dutton Sports Complex. The project will reconstruct the street and introduce a walking path with lights.
-The City will no longer register ATVs/UTVs, this must be done through the State of Iowa. However, the City will continue to require registration and inspections of golf carts.
-Now that that the Kimberly Park Pool is closed for the season, the Parks and Recreation Department plans to seal several cracks in the baby pool section to help keep it from leaking next season.
-The Street’s and Public Work’s Department, along with Reit Tree, will be trimming trees along Third and Fourth Street. The City will also be removing problem trees around town.
-Katie Brooks was appointed to the Board of Adjustments, we’re she’ll serve along with Dane Lovell, Bruce Browning, and Mike Kessler. The board deals with building and zoning issues from the public.
-During the City Council Meeting on Aug. 16, 2022, the council approved payment for a matching grant of $15,860 to Mac Howes for renovations to the New Strand Theater. It also approved city staff wages for fiscal year 22/23.
-This year St. Joseph’s annual Family Festival (Sept. 4, 1:30-6 p.m.) will close off the portion of Sixth and Clay St. near the church. In the past the festival had been held downtown.