April 8, 2022
WHEREAS, the City of West Liberty recognizes Junior Achievement of the Heartland’s purpose to inspire and prepare young people to succeed in a global economy.
WHEREAS, the City of West Liberty will observe JA Day on April 7, 2022, as an opportunity to recognize and celebrate Junior Achievement of the Heartland for empowering our young people to own their economic success.
WHEREAS, Junior Achievement of the Heartland’s educational contribution equips our young people to become the next generation of productive employees and self sufficient citizens to ensure the economic prosperity of West Liberty.
WHEREAS, Junior Achievement of the Heartland includes opportunities for educators. parents and community volunteers to connect classroom learning to life after graduation.
WHEREAS. it is fitting for West Liberty to support the goals of Junior Achievement of the Heartland, and we encourage the continuing partnership of business, education. and community in achieving these said goals.
WHEREAS, it is fitting for parents, educators, businesses and other members of the community to join the celebration in an effort to ensure the future success and economic health of our young people and the communities in which they live.
NOW. THEREFORE. I. Katherine McCullough. Mayor of West Liberty, do hereby proclaim official recognition on April 5, 2022 as Junior Achievement Day in the City of West Liberty.